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Tattoo Aftercare in the Summer

Ah summer, a time for adventure and new experiences. With all this freedom, you may feel the time is right to finally get that tattoo you're dreaming up. Getting a tattoo, whether it's the first or the fiftieth, is an exciting means of self-expression; however, tattooing is a medical procedure that requires proper aftercare. 

The sticky heat of the summer not only promises fun times with mates but also a gnarly tattoo infection if you shirk proper care. Worry not, here are some tips to avoid messing up your new ink and keeping it as bright as the sun in the sky.

Congrats on your new tattoo! It looks stellar, I love what you went with. Tattoo care on the first day is straightforward; your artist will likely moisturize the piece and wrap it up. Once the covering comes off, you may notice some slight oozing. That's completely normal, it's just blood and plasma eeking out as a result of all the tiny needles you paid someone to stab you with. If it lasts for a few days, changes to a yellow or brown, or if the tattooed area becomes warm to the touch and increasingly painful, it may be infected and you should contact a doctor.

After completing the most gratifying step in tattoo aftercare, bragging about it, dive into the nitty-gritty. Wash and moisturize your tattoo twice a day with fragrance-free soap and alcohol-free lotion, it's helpful to incorporate this aftercare step into your regular skincare routine. 

Despite the blazing sun, avoid sunscreen on your tattoo until it heals completely. Keep your new piece out of the sun as much as possible in the two weeks. Avoid tight-fitting clothes that will rub the area or snag the scabs, something light and airy, like linen, should serve you fine. 

You'll have to deny yourself the refreshing feeling of going for a swim until you're all healed because submerging your piece in water is a big no. Pools, oceans, and hot tubs are all breeding grounds for bacteria, and keeping your tattoo wet for longer than a shower impedes recovery.

Once you're fully healed still take care not to expose yourself to the sun without at least 45 SPF sunscreen protecting your piece. Keeping it moisturized and drinking lots of water will keep the colours bright. Pretty easy, right? So easy you should just get another, cheers to tattoo summer!


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